Breaking Point [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 15
Lexa came first, her screams blending with the purr of the engines and the cry of the gulls high overhead. Her back bowed and the world dipped and spun away leaving her senses tumbling in a tidal wave of pleasure. Her senses were still dulled when Beau joined her, but she could feel his cock swell and stiffen as he drove himself into her one last time before finally releasing her breast from his mouth and groaning into the soft curve of her shoulder.
“Right…where…I wanted you.” Beau panted and lifted his head enough to brush a kiss to her cheek.
“You’re right where I want you, too,” Lexa whispered back as she let go of the rail with one hand and draped it around Beau’s shoulders, lifting her head enough to meet Diego’s heated gaze. “Both of you, or you will be as soon as Diego finds us a place to drop anchor.”
Without taking his eyes off of Lexa, Diego reached for the throttle and ramped the engines up to full, sending the yacht racing across Sunset Bay. “As the lady wishes.”
Chapter 14
Even at full speed it had taken Diego a while to navigate them to a sheltered spot, and Lexa had used the time to set out the lunch he and Beau had packed. She’d even brought him up a few appetizers, hand-feeding him whatever she was serving up. He had no idea what any of it was, all he’d tasted was the sweetness of her skin as her fingers had brushed his mouth. She seemed different today, and Diego hoped it meant that she was ready to talk about the future. Their future.
“Did you two clean out the Kraken’s kitchen completely?” she asked as she came back out on deck with three beer bottles in her hand. “That’s more food than I could eat in a week!”
“Trust me, you’re going to need the energy, querida.” Diego took the offered drink, letting his fingers stroke over hers as he claimed it from her hand. “Thank you.” The splash of the anchor hitting the water pulled his attention back, and he watched Beau play out the anchor line until it went slack in his hands. After a few simple maneuvers to set the anchor into the seafloor, he shut off the engine and took a long pull of his beer.
“So, are we officially at anchor now?” Lexa asked, looking around at the tiny cove they’d claimed for themselves.
“We are.” Diego reached out and snagged her by the waist, drawing her in close to his body. He loved the way their bodies fit together, her curves melding against him and her head the perfect height for resting against his chest.
“Then that means it’s time for lunch,” Lexa declared.
“I don’t believe that was the plan, no. First we fuck, then we eat. What I’m hungry for isn’t in the kitchen.” He ran the cold glass of his beer across her breasts, watching as the nipples peaked in response. “I want you, querida. I want you naked and screaming out your pleasure. I want you to take us both into that sweet body of yours so we can show you just how well the three of us fit together.”
She trembled in his arms and for a second he was afraid he’d said too much, but then she smiled up at him and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Yes, please.”
He had their beers set aside in a heartbeat and then he hauled her into his arms and strode into the main cabin, his lips on hers every step of the way. He passed the table full of food and kept going down to the master bedroom, a large, ornate affair that took up most of the bow. He set down his intoxicating armful and skinned his shirt over his head while she looked around.
The cabin was luxuriously appointed despite its relatively small size. The walls were wood paneled with maple and the carpet was a soft cream that was the identical color to the duvet that covered the king-size bed. The portholes down the sides let in enough light to see by, and the sun on the water outside sent reflected ripples of sunlight dancing across the ceiling. The space was warm and welcoming, and they had added their own touch by covering the bed in rose petals in the few minutes they’d had before Lexa had arrived.
“You guys were busy!”
“We wanted this to be perfect for you.” His fingers itched with the need to touch her and he skimmed his hands over her shoulders and down to her breasts, palming their warm weight.
“No fair, you guys started without me!” Beau complained as he arrived at the doorway, his shirt already off.
“I was just admiring all the work you two put into this.”
“And I was just admiring our girl,” Diego’s thumbs brushed over her nipples.
“She’s gorgeous, but overdressed.” Beau drew her underwear out of his pocket and grinned. “I got these off her earlier, so I think you should get the honor of taking off that pretty dress.”
“I thought those got blown overboard. Give me my underwear back. Those were expensive!”
“Says the woman who owns the yacht we’re currently aboard,” Beau dangled the bit of apricot lace and satin from his fingers and Lexa lunged at him, pulling herself out of Diego’s arms as she tackled Beau in an attempt to reclaim her missing lingerie.
Seeing she was momentarily distracted, Diego slipped the ring box out of his pocket and tucked it under the nearest pillow before stripping naked. By then, Lexa had half climbed up Beau’s body in an attempt to retrieve her property, both of them laughing as she struggled in vain to reach Beau’s outstretched arm.
“Goddamn it, give it to me already!” she demanded and Diego decided to take her at her word.
“You really ought to be careful what you wish for, querida. You might just get it.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off of Beau to toss her lightly into the middle of the bed that dominated the room, sending the multicolored petals flying in all directions. He was on her seconds later, tugging her dress over her head as she laughed and tried to help him, getting her arms tangled up in the process.
“You can’t even undress her without help, what the hell am I going to do with you?” Beau knelt behind her and helped get her arm free, then went still as he stared at Lexa’s back. “Uh, sweetheart, is there something you forgot to mention to us earlier?”
“Oh, right.” Lexa’s cheeks heated and her lower lip vanished between her teeth as she looked up at Diego. “I, uh. Got a tattoo yesterday.”
“You what?” Diego remembered the way she’d tensed when he’d touched her back and understanding dawned. “That’s your surprise? You got ink? When?”
“You need to see this.” Beau was still staring, his hand hovering just a few inches from her skin but not touching her.
Diego shifted so he could see what Beau was talking about, and his heart swelled until it was too big for his chest as he finally set eyes on the design she’d chosen. Between her shoulder blades were three blue dolphins leaping out of the surf. Two of the dolphins were identical to the tattoos he and Beau wore, and between them was a slightly smaller dolphin done in a soft shade and he knew that one represented Lexa.
“Dane did a nice job,” he murmured as a thousand thoughts and feelings rushed through his head and his heart.
“He used your design as the base. I hope you don’t mind.” She glanced over her shoulder and Diego was stunned to see flickers of worry in her gray eyes.
“It’s perfect,” he told her and Beau nodded in agreement.
“It’s absolutely perfect. But what possessed you to do it? I thought you said you’d never get another tattoo?” Beau asked.
The smile that blossomed on her face at their reaction melted Diego’s heart. “I’m glad you both like it. I wanted something to mark a special occasion.” She turned around and reached for them both, taking their hands in hers. “I’ve made my decision. I’m staying. I’m keeping the house and the marina and I’m going to make Sunset Point my home.” She paused and her eyes sparkled with tears. “The two of you are a big part of the reason I’m staying here, and that’s why I got the tattoo.”
Diego wasn’t sure which of them moved first, but they had Lexa between them a heartbeat after she stopped speaking, both of them hugging her hard. Diego caught Beau’s eye and raised a brow, and when Beau nodded his agreement to the silent query, Diego didn’t hesitate.
He reached under the pillow and pulled out the ring box he’d stashed there.
This was the moment they’d been waiting for all of their adult lives. “We have something for you, too, querida.” He kept the box hidden in his fist. “But first I need you to know something. I love you. I love the girl you were, and the woman who came back to us. We have a lot to learn about each other still, but I don’t need to learn any more than to know I was right to wait for you.”
The tears in her eyes shimmered and then flowed down her cheeks as he leaned in and kissed them away. “I love you very much.”
She opened her mouth to speak but Beau touched a finger to her lips, quieting her as Diego lifted his head to watch the two people he cared about most in the world have their perfect moment. “Me first,” Beau said. “A long time ago a pushy girl informed me she was going to marry me and my best friend, and then she disappeared out of my life and broke my heart. I loved that girl, but I love the woman she became even more.”
More tears, and this time it was Beau who kissed them away from their lover’s face. There was a moment of silence as she seemed at a loss for words and Diego waited, hoping like hell they hadn’t both just misread the situation.
“I love you, too. Both of you, so much. I can’t believe you waited for me, but I’m glad you did.” She threw her arms around them and hugged them both.
“Good, then there’s just one more thing we need to do before we can celebrate,” Diego turned his hand over and presented her with the ring box. “We’d like you to wear this.”
Beau actually started to laugh. “I cannot believe that’s your idea of a proposal, man! I’ll take it from here.” He turned to smile at Lexa, who was still staring at the ring with a look of pure shock on her face. “What he means, sweetling, is we’d like to ask you to marry us. Since you already told us we were going to be your husbands someday, I would like to point out that declining really isn’t an option here.”
“You…you bought a ring already?”
“That’s not a yes,” Beau groaned. “The word we’re looking for here is yes. Please save all questions until later.”
Diego drew the ring out of the box and held it out to her. “Please, Lexa. Be our wife?”
“Yes. Yes, please, and hell yes!” She squealed with joy and held out her left hand. “You’re both insane, and it’s way too soon, and you better be sure because once that ring is on my finger there will be no take backs!”
Diego slid the ring onto her finger, breathing a sigh of relief once it was securely on her hand. “No take backs,” he assured her with a grin before lifting her hand and kissing it.
“And you’re a fine one to talk about it being too soon. You’re the one who went and got a tattoo based on our design.” Beau tugged her into his arms for a kiss, and as Diego stared at the freshly done tattoo on her back, a question popped into his head. One that had him scowling and his vision turning slightly red around the edges.
“Lexa, when Dane did this, what exactly were you wearing?”
“Well, it’s a bit hard to get a tattoo done with your shirt on,” she quipped and then lifted her head to look at them both, her brow furrowing into a scowl as she saw their stormy expressions. “Oh, no. Oh hell no! You are not going to get all Neanderthal on me just because I took my shirt off to get this tattoo. I had my bra on for fuck’s sake. It covers more than a bikini would!”
“He’s still a dead man,” Diego grumbled. “He saw you half naked.”
“And I’m betting I can find some women in town who have seen the two of you completely naked. Do I get to kill them, too? If not, then this conversation is over.” She poked a finger into both their chests. “If this is going to work, then you’re going to have to trust me, and I’m going to have to trust you. Otherwise I might as well just start bitch slapping every woman with eyes on this whole damned island. Dane’s a hottie, but he’s not one of the men I love, though I should really have put him on the short list. He helped me pick the frosting out of my hair, which is more than either of you did.”
“I thought it looked cute,” Beau confessed and she poked him again, looking outraged.
“You bastard! You knew it was there and you let me leave? Why am I marrying you again? I’ve already forgotten.”
“You’re marrying us because you love us, which is a sure sign you’re as crazy as we are.” Diego pulled her off a laughing Beau before she did any further damage and tucked her into his lap before stopping her arguments with a kiss. She was warm and sweet and flushed from laughing, and Diego knew that in this moment he had everything he’d ever wanted right here in his arms. He’d finally found the center of his universe, and now that she was here, there was no force on earth that could tear them apart.
* * * *
Lexa couldn’t remember a time she had felt so happy or so loved. Until now, life had been something to be fought through, not enjoyed, and some days it had taken everything she had just to rise in the morning and face another day. Now she was grateful she hadn’t given up because for the first time in memory things were good. Better than good, they were wonderful.
As Diego’s lips slanted over hers, she twined her arms around his powerful shoulders and marveled yet again that she had not one, but two amazing, hotter than hell men in love with her.
She heard the rustle of fabrics and the sound of a zipper being drawn and knew Beau was undressing, and the thought that she’d soon have both her men naked and in bed with her sent a flood of moisture to her pussy. They had the rest of the day to play, and Lexa’s entire being tingled with thoughts of what they’d do with all that time.
As if reading her mind, the bed dipped and Lexa found herself caught between two hard bodies as Beau rejoined them. Her mouth was still crushed to Diego’s as someone’s hands slid along her ribs to her hips. Slowly, gently she was guided down to the mattress until she was lying on her back between them, her tongue tangled with Diego as Beau suckled at one aching nipple and both men had their hands between her legs, one hand coaxing her thighs apart while the other stroked back and forth over her throbbing clitoris. She arched her hips, grinding herself against the fingers touching her as her pulse rocketed up and her need became an exquisite agony.
“I think our lady needs us.” Beau’s words flowed over her like another caress and she moaned in affirmation.
“You show her where we need her, I’ll get the…other items,” Diego said vaguely and Lexa cracked open an eye.
“What other items?”
“We came prepared.” Beau drew her out of Diego’s arms and rolled them both over so he was on his back with her atop him. “You, my lovely wife to be, scoot up here so I can taste that sweet pussy.” He tapped his sternum and winked up at her as he grabbed a pillow and stuffed it beneath his head so that his mouth was at the perfect angle. “Then you lean over me, grab onto the headboard and show Diego your gorgeous ass. I promise, you’re going to like this.”
“Just remember your lovely wife to be is not, nor will she ever be, a member of the Cirque du Soleil,” Lexa muttered as she followed Beau’s directions. She barely had time to wrap her fingers around the top of the headboard before he had his tongue in her pussy and was lapping eagerly at her clit. Desire sizzled and sparked over her nerve endings from her pussy to every part of her and Lexa began to rock her hips against Beau’s mouth.
“That’s right, querida. You ride his face just like that and let me play.” Diego stroked a hand down her back until his fingers brushed the top of her cleft. “Cold,” he warned her as a chill slither of lube touched her overheated skin, but the contrast was just one more sensation in a whirlwind of pleasures and Lexa barely felt it. Most of her attention was on the way Beau’s tongue was lashing at her inner folds, pushing her nearer and nearer to her breaking point.
It was only when Diego moved his fingers deeper that her focus shifted, and as he smoothed the slippery gel over the rosebud of her anus, she felt a dark longing begin to build deep inside her. She moved her
hips to wriggle against the gentle pressure of his fingertips and then rocked back against Beau’s mouth as he increased his efforts to try and make her come. Back and forth she went between the two men and the feelings they were generating within her until she was panting and dazed from trying to keep up to the competing sensations.
Only then did Diego remove his hand, but before she could reclaim her scattered senses she felt something cool and slick sliding between her ass cheeks and she stiffened up as she tried to turn her head to see what Diego was doing.
“Relax and trust us, we’d never hurt you.” Diego’s hand was on her ass, stroking her skin gently as something pressed against her anus and slowly breached that opening. “It’s a butt plug, that’s all. I want to be sure I don’t hurt you when I take you back here, so I’m going to loosen you up a little first.”
“You’re not going to hurt me, Dig. I’m made of tougher stuff than that.” Lexa managed to find enough air in her lungs to speak, though forming coherent words was something of a challenge while Beau’s talented tongue was buried in her pussy.
“We know, which is why we bought this model.” Diego grinned and held up a simple remote, and a second later a buzzing vibration slammed through her body.
“Oh! Oh God!” Lexa’s brain short-circuited and she ground her cunt over Beau’s face as an orgasm hit her with all the force of a summer storm. Lightning streaked across nerve endings and her heartbeat thundered in her ears so loudly it drowned out even the sound of her own screams of pleasure as Beau sucked her already pulsing clit into his mouth and nipped it lightly. The added stimulation sent her hurtling deeper into rapture and only her death grip on the edge of the headboard kept her from collapsing onto the bed face-first as her body went limp.